Symptoms of hearing loss – a list for caregivers
Family members are often the first to recognize that a loved one has hearing loss, but the symptoms may appear gradually and be difficult to detect. Even professional caregivers can confuse the signs and symptoms of hearing loss with other conditions, missing opportunities for early diagnosis to minimize the long-term impact of hearing problems.
Some of the most common indicators of hearing loss include:
- Turning up the volume of the television or radio
- Problems hearing the doorbell or the telephone ringing
- Difficulty hearing people calling from behind, or in another room
- Asking people to repeat themselves frequently
- Misunderstanding or “forgetting” what has been said or agreed upon
- Cupping hands behind the ears
A person with normal hearing can hear quiet sounds, medium and loud sounds that vary from low pitch to high pitch. In speech, soft consonant sounds like T, S and F are higher pitched than strong vowel sounds such as A, E and I. With hearing loss, it is difficult to differentiate between these sounds, and speech becomes harder to comprehend and sounds garbled.
If you, a friend or a family member are displaying any of these symptoms, we at Accurate Hearing encourage you to take the simple first step and visit us for a free hearing examination Call Accurate Hearing at 907-644-6004. Don’t miss out on the sounds you can be hearing.
Yours for Better Hearing,
Donna R DeMarco, AAS, BC-HIS
Tinnitus Care Provider
Holding a Certificate from the International Hearing Society
Accurate Hearing Systems, LLC